Anal Cocktrainer

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Pipedream Extreme

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When you're trying to seduce your special someone, it's easy to get too excited. No matter how hard you try, your body may be overstimulated, and you'll reach your peak too soon. You may want the longest roller coaster ride of your life, but you find the tracks stopping short.

There's actually a way to help mould your body's reaction to suit your desires. The Extreme Anal Cocktrainer was designed to acclimate you to the tightness of anal stimulation. A cockring is secured around the soft rubber sheath. This ring actually relays a digital measure of your strokes into the plush material.

Over time, you can use the device to train your body and gain endurance. This tool has the benefit of doubling as a toy, so lube up for an invigorating experience and have a blast.

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